Biblical Teaching in a Changing World
At Berean we endeavor to teach the Scriptures in a traditional setting with modern communication tools available to the students.
Our dedicated faculty members are committed to imparting their knowledge and ministry experience in a personal way that enhances the students' learning.
Our modern library has over 20,000 volumes and online access to other libraries.
Academic Programs
Diploma Degree
Diploma in Theology (D. Th.)
(Eligibility: SSLC or equiv. passed)
Bachelor Degrees
Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)
Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.)
(Eligibility: Higher Secondary P.U.C.)
Master Degrees
Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
Counseling, Missions, Ministry, Theology
(Eligibility: Graduate)
Master of Religious Education (M.R.E.)
(Eligibility: Graduate)
Master of Theology (M.Th.)
Bible Exposition, Theology, Christian Counseling,
Ministry, Missiology
(Eligibility: Post-Graduate)
Doctoral Degrees
Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.)
Doctor of Missiology (D. Miss.)
Doctor of New Testament (D. N.T.)
(Eligibility: Post-Graduate with high second class)
Accredited by Asia Theological Association
for the following degrees: D.Th, B.Th, B.R.E, M.Div., M.R.E.
(M.Th. approval expected 2018)
Recognized by:
Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC, USA
Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Ankeny, IA, USA